Dream Team Thank You Thank you for your order! Please fill out the form below so we can place you on a Dream Team: Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Please select your FIRST choice for the small study groups: Sundays at 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT/6:00pm MT/5:00pm PTTuesdays at 1:00pm ET/12:00pm CT/11:00am MT/10:00am PTThursdays at 9:00pm ET/8:00pm CT/7:00pm MT/6:00pm PTSaturdays at 10:00am ET/9:00am CT/8:00am MT/7:00am PT Please select your SECOND choice for the small study groups: Sundays at 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT/6:00pm MT/5:00pm PTTuesdays at 1:00pm ET/12:00pm CT/11:00am MT/10:00am PTThursdays at 9:00pm ET/8:00pm CT/7:00pm MT/6:00pm PTSaturdays at 10:00am ET/9:00am CT/8:00am MT/7:00am PT Please select your THIRD choice for the small study groups: Sundays at 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT/6:00pm MT/5:00pm PTTuesdays at 1:00pm ET/12:00pm CT/11:00am MT/10:00am PTThursdays at 9:00pm ET/8:00pm CT/7:00pm MT/6:00pm PTSaturdays at 10:00am ET/9:00am CT/8:00am MT/7:00am PT We’ll be in touch soon with more information and the schedule for your Dream Team!