Is it time to renew your
Profiting From Your Passions® license?

If you’re not sure, email to inquire.

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Great Deal!

Easy Pay

 As a licensed Profiting From Your Passions® coach you receive the following:

1) Use of the concepts and materials that are part of the Profiting From Your Passions® 7-step system to conduct laser brainstorming sessions with clients on a 1-1 basis, lead small groups, or run workshops.

Concepts must be attributed to Valerie Young as the originator. However, you are actively encouraged to add your own additional concepts, materials, and examples.

2) Exclusive Usage Rights to Offer Your Clients a FREE copy of It’s Never Too Late to Find Your Calling for One Full YearTrueCallingeBook

As a licensed Profiting From Your Passions® career coach you have permission to provide each of your career clients with a powerful tool to help them tap into their passions.

It’s called It’s Never Too Late to Find Your Calling – A Handbook to Help You Find Your Passion and Get a Life. This eBook sells for $19.95.

But your clients – or you– won’t pay that.

Instead, once your client books an appointment, you’ll be able to immediately send them their own password-protected access to a complimentary copy of the electronic version of this 100+ page book.

Plus you get all the instructions on how to use this eBook as the ideal pre-work to help your clients prepare for their consulting session. That way your client — and YOU — have all the key information you need for a successful visualizing and idea generation session.

When your license is active, you can use It’s Never Too Late to Find Your Calling with as many of your paying clients as you like, as often as you like. Having a tool like this available any time you need it is a great way to kick off your new business.

There are two options for renewing your license, you may pay yearly or monthly. To renew your license you may do so for an additional 12 months at the incredibly modest cost of only $29 per month or one payment of $290.00.

3) The ability to showcase your new credentials with your choice of professionally-designed Profiting From Your Passions® banners you can proudly display on your website or in your marketing materials.*

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*To be able to use the Profiting From Your Passions® coach designation and logos, you must use 80 percent of the PFYP formula in your practice.

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Great Deal!

Easy Pay

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